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$109,220 supporting young people into safe housing

Pictured: Bridge It / St Kilda Cocoon 

Immediate support for young people without safe homes

Young people aged 19-24 have the highest rates of homelessness than any other age group and they are battling to find safe housing that they can call home. A 2023 Homelessness Australia report showed that after paying rent, young people have little money to cover food, transport and utilities.

Over the past two years youth allowance (which is less than JobSeeker) has increased by 10% but rents have surged 24% (by mid-2023) along with other food staples and essentials.

Youth services are being swamped by requests for assistance with Youth Projects in Melbourne revealing a 30% increase in demand for their support in the last three months of 2023.

More than ever, we need to be supporting young people into safe housing and backing programs that support them to achieve their goals.  

“Our young clients do not have family support or access to safe and adequate housing instead they are couchsurfing sometimes in unsafe conditions. With no available public housing, they have fallen through the gaps in the system.– West Coast Youth and Community Support Inc, SA (on Galinyala Country)


distributed in grants


young people supported through these grants


Grants made

Our collective action boosts impact for young people facing homelessness

Young people need age-appropriate and targeted support to access safe and secure homes, build independence, and work towards education and employment goals. That’s why we have once again supported a range of youth programs and responses, in communities and regions which have been identified as having high rates of homelessness and high need. Funds are supporting young people into safe housing and to access essential aid and wrap-around support.

Our approach has always been collaborative, to invite and welcome individuals, corporates and philanthropists to collectively give. StreetSmart monthly givers generate ongoing impact throughout the year and their generous donations through March and April, coupled with once-off donors, ongoing corporate contributions and a partnership with a philanthropic foundation, have enabled $109,220 to be distributed across 6 states.

Read below how this is supporting young people into safe housing, and bosting funding for smaller grassroots services. 

16 grants helping young people into safe housing and access support

Organisation State Grant
Albany Youth Support Association WA – Regional $4,870.00
Alice Springs Youth Accommodation Service NT – Regional $4,870.00
Lillian Howell Project NSW – Metro $4,870.00
Mithangkaya Nguli – Young People Ahead QLD – Regional $4,870.00
West Coast Youth and Community Support SA – Regional $4,870.00
Youth Futures TAS – Metro $4,870.00
Anchor (Foyer) VIC – Metro $8,000.00
Bridge It VIC – Metro $8,000.00
Family Access Network VIC – Metro $8,000.00
Good Cycles VIC – Metro $8,000.00
Latitude Directions VIC – Metro $8,000.00
Lighthouse Foundation VIC – Metro $8,000.00
RhED Program – Better Health Network VIC – Metro $8,000.00
Brophy (Foyer) VIC – Regional $8,000.00
NESAY VIC – Regional $8,000.00
Zoe Support VIC – Regional $8,000.00
TOTAL $109,220.00
Pictured: Mithangkaya Nguli – Young People Ahead in Mt Isa (Kalkadoon Country)

Our young people are coming from generations of trauma, low socioeconomic situations, DV and family violence, drug and alcohol use. Overcrowding and lack of housing is also a significant issue, with many forced to leave their home with no options for long term housing. This grant will mean immediate support for young people like personal care items, clothes, credit or a phone to be able to interact with further support services.” – Mithangkaya Nguli, on Kalkadoon Country, Mt Isa, QLD

The St Kilda Cocoon residence is undergoing extensive renovations which will result in Bridge It being able to provide homes to 16 young women at any given time (up from a current capacity of 7.) This grant will be directed towards setting up the studio apartments for residents and furnishing the group workspace. We urgently need this grant now as it will assist us to get the property ready for tenants in July/Aug of this year.– Bridge It, in Naarm, Melbourne

The grant allowed us to test some innovative ways of supporting Young People at risk of homelessness in the development of their financial literacy skills and knowledge. During the current cost of living crisis, these skills are more important than ever and we are extremely thankful for the support from StreetSmart that allowed this to happen.” – Good Cycles in Naarm, Melbourne

Good Cycles (LinkedIn)

Our young people have extremely limited affordable housing options and our program data informs that they are going without food/meals & other basic necessities to be able to afford rental or emergency accommodation options. Through the pantry the young people will be able to access dry food and hygiene/sanitary items at anytime and food hampers to be taken to young people who live more regional/remote areas on outreach.”  – NESAY, Wangaratta, Victoria

“This grant will support young people between the ages of 18 and 21 as they move into and out of Anchor’s Youth Foyer, providing them with the opportunity to turn their new house, whether it be the Foyer or, as they graduate, into a rental property, into a home. Funding will support the purchase of homewares, including pantry staples and kitchen appliances, as they move into the Foyer and as they move from the Foyer into their first private rental accommodation.– Anchor Youth Foyer, on Wurrundjeri land, Lilydale, Victoria

By supporting young people into safe housing, our donors and supporters have collectively impacted over 530 young lives and strengthened 16 smaller grassroots organisations on the frontline of the homelessness crisis. We are always interested in connecting with philanthropic trusts and foundations who are looking to partner for positive impact and respond to homelessness in Australia,  please reach out at partners@streetsmartaustralia.org  if this sounds like you.