It’s been a whirlwind 5 months as TipJar Tours Australia. The Alternative Dairy Co have taken their Team Championship across the country, raising funds to provide hospitality based training and employment opportunities to at-risk cohorts.
It’s been a whirlwind 5 months as TipJar Tours Australia. The Alternative Dairy Co have taken their Team Championship across the country, raising funds to provide hospitality based training and employment opportunities to at-risk cohorts.
We have just channeled direct funding and material aid into flood impacted communities. With a focus on supporting those already experiencing homelessness and disadvantage, funds are empowering grassroot organisations to respond to their needs.
We are excited to share that the continued generosity of our monthly donors, those who chipped in to our End of Year Appeal, and philanthropic partnerships and trusts has resulted in a $67,400 funding boost across 16 grassroots organisations. We channelled funding into areas with high rates of need and vulnerability, plugging funding gaps for programs that are responding to the critical needs of their community. Grants are helping to keep people families fed, those with pets care for their furry friends and access inclusive accommodation, and set up new havens of safety and independence.
Being without a home makes it hard to build a stable, healthy life and find a job. We know that people leaving prison are at a very high risk of homelessness, and to break the cycle, people leaving prison need pre-release and post-release support. That’s why we funded 10 organisations across metro and regional areas to support a range of pre/post release support programs and responses.
Working closely with corporate partners has enabled 9 grants totalling $41,750 to fund homelessness responses and housing outcomes across Australia. Thanks to these partnerships, 31 households are being supported to exit out of homelessness into safe and sustainable homes, and 170 people facing and experiencing homelessness are gaining access to immediate and ongoing support.
The rising demand and falling funding for ‘on the ground’ and small community organisations is a perfect storm that is limiting the ability of these vital programs to remain open for people in need. Our generous donors and dedicated monthly supporters throughout October along with a philanthropic partnership have delivered crucial funding to 19 organisations across Australia. This $89,150 is filling funding gaps for these organisations to empower communities to better respond to and prevent homelessness in ways that work for them.
Across Australia during Homelessness Week, 717 cafes, 44 roasters, and countless communities were coming together over their favourite brew to take action against homelessness. This incredible collective effort in August has helped us distribute a total of $147,585 across 133 frontline organisations that are supporting our most vulnerable. Such a vital, local impact across so many regions in Australia is a testament to the enthusiasm and support of the roasters, cafes, sponsors, and of course, coffee lovers involved.
As the cold winter months took hold and made life increasingly dangerous and difficult for people sleeping rough, we have directed $110,500 to deliver a range of critical care responses to those who had no where else to go but the street, a car, a tent. Our generous donors and dedicated monthly supporters throughout July and August along with a philanthropic partnership have delivered crucial funding to 15 organisations across Australia.
For too many people food and groceries are an optional extra. As the cost-of-living crisis deepens, more and more people are skipping meals to pay their rent, power and other bills. Many are turning to local charities for food relief, for the first time in their lives, and local food banks are struggling to keep up with demand, often running out of basic staple items. That’s why we have just boosted funding to 10 food relief programs, distributing a total of $80,000 so that people in acute hardship can be supported. We are continuing this support and are calling on you, our network, to join us and give what you can, or share with your networks.
With support from our regular donors to the SmartMeals program, and corporate support we have just made seven grants to provide food relief to people experiencing acute disadvantage while supporting employment and training opportunities.