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Corporate Collaboration creating change by supporting Hamlet Cafe

Corporate collaboration creating change

By Community Grants, Grant Impact, Homelessness in the news, Projects StreetSmart, Recently Funded, StreetSmart Projects, Youth

The Alternative Dairy Co have taken their Team Championship across the country, raising funds to provide hospitality based training and employment opportunities to at-risk cohorts. With a localised impact on the ground at each of the 7 locations, it’s a remarkable example of a corporate partnership that takes a whole of community approach to bringing about change for those in need.

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$100,500 in immediate support for children without safe homes

By Child Homelessness, Grant Impact, Projects StreetSmart, Recently Funded, StreetSmart Projects, Youth

Children without safe homes, living in poverty, and affected by domestic and family violence need immediate and trauma-informed care. We need to be responding to the urgent needs of children, who are often the voiceless victims of violence, homelessness and poverty. That’s why we have channeled over $100,000 into 14 grassroot services to support vulnerable children.

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Bridge It St Kilda 2

Funding Meanwhile Use Projects to Reduce Homelessness

By Homelessness in the news, Projects StreetSmart, Recently Funded, StreetSmart News, Youth

As Australia grapples with the deepening and costly homelessness crisis, leaders are advocating for an uptake of more creative and innovative approaches like ‘meanwhile use’ and ‘change of use’ projects. StreetSmart have funded ‘meanwhile use’ projects before and have recently collaborated with grant recipient Bridge It, in Melbourne, to fund another much-needed innovation to reduce youth homelessness. 

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Monthly Donors Help Young People into Housing

By Community Grants, Grant Impact, Projects StreetSmart, Recently Funded, StreetSmart News, Youth

We know that young people are disproportionately impacted by the current housing crisis and face multiple barriers to securing any kind of accommodation. The result is rising youth homelessness. Currently there is no national strategy or adequate funding to address this situation for thousands of our young people. That’s why in April we raised funds to support three youth services in regional centres.

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Youth homelessness and our housing crisis

By Child Homelessness, Homelessness in the news, Projects StreetSmart, Youth

Family violence, relationship breakdowns and the soaring cost of living are placing more young people at risk of homelessness, while our housing crisis makes it increasingly difficult for homeless youth to find a safe and secure home. At-risk and vulnerable youth are increasingly falling through the gaps and being turned away from support services. This April we are supporting Youth Homelessness Maters Day (YHMD) and raising funds to support youth facing homelessness into safe and stable housing, breaking the cycle of disadvantage.

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Schools for Change launches

By Projects StreetSmart, Youth

While StreetSmart has been engaging with schools for years, our new program Schools for Change, has recently launched as an exciting offering to school communities across Australia. The program incorporates free, age-appropriate educational resources like curriculum aligned lessons with fundraising support to engage and empower school communities.

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Prison Network Long

10 Grants Support Vulnerable Children

By Child Homelessness, Community Grants, Grant Impact, StreetSmart News, Youth

The impact of poverty on children is often profound and enduring, yet one in six Australian children currently live in poverty. It is forecast that the rate of child poverty will exceed pre-pandemic levels in 2023, having been reduced through the pandemic by the COVID Supplement payments. As we continue to be impacted by the ongoing pandemic and cost of living pressures, we are seeing rising rates of homelessness and family violence. We need early, trauma-informed, developmentally appropriate and culturally safe, sustained support for children, but also for families experiencing hardship.

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