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StreetSmart Projects

$6,600 for people and planet: a holistic approach to social impact

By Homelessness in the news, News, Projects StreetSmart, StreetSmart News, StreetSmart Projects

Our team are strong advocates for localised, meaningful, and collaborative impact for people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. We believe that solving homelessness is possible through a whole of community approach…and we don’t think it needs to cost our planet. That’s why fundraising throughout October has supported  3 local organisations that are meeting several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals while fighting food poverty and material waste. A total of $6,600 has been distributed to support their work.

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Generous CafeSmart Supporters Fund 87 Community Grants

By CafeSmart, Grant Impact, StreetSmart Projects
During 2020 everything changed, most fundraising events were heavily impacted or cancelled. The 10th running of our annual CafeSmart event was one of these events. At first, we thought it would be cancelled outright as the hospitality industry was shut down. However, our sponsors, roasters and café community rallied and insisted CafeSmart go ahead to help continue our work to support people experiencing homelessness, especially during the challenges of 2020.

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Youth Homelessness in the age of COVID-19

By StreetSmart News, StreetSmart Projects
Foyer Shepparton group
Photo Credit: Foyer Shepparton
Young people in their teens and twenties maybe less likely to contract or be at risk from COVID-19, but many will be affected by the societal and financial fall out for years to come. This pandemic has and will have a dramatic impact on young people’s lives, that why this week we made four grants to youth based organisations from our COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund. Read More

Winter Appeal – Street Medical Outreach Saves Lives

By Homelssness Healthcare, News, StreetSmart Projects
Night Nurses in MelbourneWinter is upon us and as the cold starts to bite we know there are thousands of vulnerable people facing a winter outside, sleeping rough, across Australia. This has a profound effect on their health and wellbeing. Experiencing homelessness means a shorter life, especially if you are on the street and unfortunately the numbers of people sleeping rough are rising, with recent street counts confirming these fears. Read More

4 Projects Lending a Hand To Those Doing It Tough This Christmas

By News, Projects StreetSmart, StreetSmart Projects

Although Christmas is a joyful time for many of us, it can be a very difficult time for many. Financial pressures, social isolation, and family separation increase dramatically over this period, making it one of the busiest times of year for the projects and services we support.

That’s why we have a number of ways to lend a hand to those who are doing it tough this holiday season – with DineSmart in full swing and StreetFunder supporting four projects to help meet the demand of Christmas – there are lots of ways to pay it forward. Read More

Housing and the Myth of Trickle Down Economics

By News, StreetSmart Projects

While the Australian electorate is still seething from the knifing of yet another sitting Prime Minister, there is no sign the freshly conservative face of the federal Coalition is likely to attend to voters most pressing concerns: insecure work, the cost of living, good public healthcare and education, affordable housing and wealth inequality. While politicians in Canberra have been busy wrestling control of government, an estimated third of the population are in rental stress. Read More